Patrick O'Brien

Category: police corruption

“New Zealand Truth”

Self-portrait ~ Copyright 2011 © Patrick O’Brien

The tabloid press picks up my story
. . .


August 16
– “A former cop who claims he lied to get more than 100 court
convictions is prepared to face his demons and go to jail for his deceit . . .”  {broken}



My open letter to the Chief Justice of New Zealand:

Confession of Perjury

‘Watching the watchers’

Self-portrait ~ Copyright 2012 © Patrick O’Brien

“The condition upon which God hath given
liberty to man is eternal vigilance . . .”

~  John Philpot Curran  ~



And so it was, that, in the 1970s, when the New Zealand Police first established covert surveillance squads to spy on its citizens, I was a member of that first team.

We worked in secrecy, and because bugging devices were illegal at that time, we simply smuggled their components into the country and had them built by our own technicians.

There was no provision in law for their use — so we simply burgled the homes and premises of our targets to plant them.

Remain vigilant … mindful our Governments are the enemy of our liberty and freedoms.



“NZ police caught out illegally filming
citizens in privacy of their own homes”

Jackboots over New Zealand

– New Zealand Parliament –

Seal of New Zealand Parliament

Questioning Authority:

In 2004, a group of police officers admitted what countless New Zealanders already knew from first hand experience — New Zealand police tell lies in court. The officers, around 50 in number and collectively known as The USED Group, appeared on National Television and told how the New Zealand police administration had trained them to use drugs, tamper with evidence, tell lies and commit perjury to obtain convictions.

The sworn affidavits of these officers were tabled in the Parliament and so I wrote to the House in 2008 and asked three simple questions:

◦ Was this matter investigated and, if so, by whom?

◦ Was the result of this investigation reported back to the Parliament?

◦ What has the Parliament done subsequently?

I’m still waiting for a response. Here’s my correspondence on the matter:

New Zealand Parliament



Bring on the Clowns

Criminal Investigation (2)

Image: Jennifer Chase

“In New Zealand, police corruption is investigated by . . . the police.”

Regular readers of this Blog may recall that in 2007 I wrote to the Chief Justice of New Zealand, Dame Sian Elias, and confessed telling lies in court to obtain convictions against my targets while working as an undercover officer and agent-provocateur for the Crown. Following my confession, New Zealand police first held an “inquiry” — and now they’re conducting an “investigation”.

Yea, about that . . . here’s an update:

Criminal Investigation



“It is not necessary to bury the truth. It is sufficient merely
to delay it until nobody cares.” ~ Napoléon Bonaparte

Corruption in New Zealand Police

Just for fun (10)

Keeping a sense of humour . . .

A man died and went to Heaven. As he stood at the Pearly Gates, he saw a huge wall of clocks before him.

“What are all those clocks?” he asked.

St. Peter answered, “Those are Lie-Clocks. Everyone on earth has a Lie-Clock. Every time you lie the hands on your clock move.”

“Oh,” said the man. “Whose clock is that?”

“That’s Mother Teresa’s clock,” replied St. Peter. “The hands have never moved, indicating that she never told a lie.”

“Incredible,” said the man. “And whose clock is that one?”

St. Peter responded, “That’s Abraham Lincoln’s clock. The hands have moved twice, telling us that Abraham told only two lies in his entire life.”

“Where’s Patrick O’Brien’s clock?” asked the man.

“Patrick O’Brien’s clock is in God’s office . . . He’s using it as a ceiling fan.”

New Zealand Truth Commission




‘Criminal Investigation’

“In New Zealand, police corruption is investigated by . . . the police.”

Twelve months ago today, I wrote to Detective Inspector Bruce Scott who is a Criminal Investigations Manager for New Zealand Police. Mr Scott is conducting a criminal investigation following my confession of perjury and evidence tampering to obtain convictions against my targets while working as an undercover officer and agent-provocateur for the Crown.

It was a lovely letter — but Mr Scott has not responded . . . just saying:

Criminal Investigation



“It is not necessary to bury the truth. It is sufficient merely
to delay it until nobody cares.” ~ Napoléon Bonaparte

Corruption in New Zealand Police

New Zealand Truth Commission:


The NZ Justice Forum is proposing that the Government set up a Truth Commission following my confession of perjury and evidence tampering to obtain conviction against my targets while working as an undercover agent and agent provocateur for the Crown.

Here is a selection of related Links and articles on my Wall at Google-Plus:

New Zealand Truth Commission



● Corruption in New Zealand Police

Burying the filth . . .


“It is not necessary to bury the truth. It is sufficient merely

to delay it until nobody cares.” ~ Napoléon Bonaparte


It is now 1,600 days since I sent the commissioner of New Zealand police a copy of my letter to the Chief Justice in which I had confessed telling lies in court to obtain convictions against my targets while working as an agent-provocateur  for the Crown. A question often asked of me — why haven’t you been arrested — remains unanswered:




“Burying the Truth”

“… In 2004, a group of police officers admitted what countless New
Zealanders already knew from first hand experience — the police
tell lies in court.”

Corruption in New Zealand Police


Image © T. Godfrey


Lake Okataina

Graduation dinner – 1975:



The USED Group

About (8)

On the run . . .

In 1978, haunted, hunted, traumatised and scared, I resigned the police and fled New Zealand — a price on my head and lucky to be alive — the legacy of my work for Criminal Intelligence.

For thirty years I travelled the world, running and hiding, running and hiding, yet never able to lose the demons that rushed around in my head.

At one point in the late 1980s, on a visit to New Zealand and desperate for help, I underwent a psychiatric assessment. The psychiatrist, a specialist consultant for the police department’s undercover programme and an expert in the field of PTSD who also worked with veterans from the Vietnam, Korean and Second World wars, diagnosed my condition as being chronic “post-traumatic stress disorder” resulting from my work as an undercover agent — and yet the police department absolved itself of any responsibility and refused my ask for assistance.

Their refusal was a blessing because my life of wandering continued . . .


About (7)

Journey to Hell

In 1973 I accepted an invitation to join Criminal Intelligence and, working deep undercover, became an agent provocateur for the Crown. Four years later, haunted, hunted, traumatised and scared, I resigned the police and fled New Zealand — lucky to be alive.

There is nothing that can prepare one for the realities of life as an undercover agent. It’s a dangerous world of lies, deceit and double-cross … adrenalin, drugs and fear.

The job description was simple: lock up criminals. Being a determined and ruthless agent, working without rules, my targets never stood a chance.

Success brought recognition, commendations, plus a medal; even a letter from High Court Judge and former Governor General, Sir David Beattie. “It would be difficult to imagine a more dedicated member to the job,” wrote one commander on my file.

It was all a lie . . .

In truth, to do the work required of me, I had become a corrupt policeman, a criminal, a drug addict, an alcoholic, a liar whose operational focus was to obtain convictions against my targets — at any cost — even committing perjury and tampering with evidence.

Television journalist, John Campbell, in the introduction to his programme about my work, Cop turned Criminal, described the reality using plain language:

“To survive undercover you have to be utterly convincing, and to be convincing you’ve got to join in, for weeks, months and even years; day after day, doing whatever it is the people you’re with are doing, and, living a lie. Eventually you bust the people you’re with, they go to jail, and you go back to your normal life. But Patrick couldn’t go back; in part he’d become the criminals he busted.”

Eventually, the work broke me; — embittered, cynical, a price on my head, I left New Zealand with just a backpack and went looking for my place in the world . . .



Copyright 2008 © TV3 News

“In the future, everyone will be world-famous for 15 minutes”

Andy Warhol  ~


Four years ago today — but I only got nine minutes:

Video: Campbell Live, TV3 News



Jared Savage is Assistant Chief Reporter at the New Zealand Herald, and, following my letter to the Chief Justice of New Zealand confessing perjury and evidence tampering while working as an agent provocateur for the Crown, he has reported on the matter in this series of articles that are linked to my Blog.

After reading my recent Blog post, Corruption in New Zealand Police, which I wrote to mark 1500 days of inaction by the Crown, Mr Savage sent me an email:

My response:



Corruption in New Zealand Police

“It is not necessary to bury the truth. It is sufficient merely
to delay it until nobody cares.” ~ Napoléon Bonaparte

Copyright 2001 © Patrick O’Brien

Burying the Truth . . .

In 2004, a group of police officers admitted what countless New Zealanders already knew from first hand experience — New Zealand police tell lies in court.

The officers, around 50 in number and collectively known as The USED Group, appeared on National Television and told how the New Zealand police administration had trained them to use drugs, tamper with evidence, tell lies and commit perjury to obtain convictions (NZ Herald report). These officers’ sworn affidavits admitting to perjury were also tabled in the Parliament.

Police administrators responded with a press release announcing an independent inquiry, the results of which would be made public, they said.

The inquiry found there was “no evidence” to support the officers’ “allegations” — or so the police administration would have us believe, because the results of this inquiry were never released, as promised, and an Official Information Request by this writer for a copy of the final report has been refused.

No evidence?

On Christmas Eve, 2007, this writer provided the Commissioner of Police with some evidence, being my signed confession of perjury to the Chief Justice of New Zealand, Dame Sian Elias.

Since then, and at time of this post, more than 1500 days have passed and the question often asked of me — “why haven’t you been arrested” — remains unanswered.

Further to that confession, this writer appeared on Campbell Live, TV3 News, and featured in the Gibson Film Group’s three-part documentary, Undercover, on Television New Zealand . . . admitting evidence tampering, and perjury, while working as an undercover officer and agent provocateur for the Crown.

So, what has the police administration done in my case?

Nothing! Well, actually they have, yet another “independent” inquiry, which is the same as doing nothing, it just looks better.

And what has been the outcome of this inquiry?

Same as the first — my Official Information Request for a copy of their report (which was finished more than a year ago) has been refused.

But, wait, there’s more . . .

After spending more than three years holding their “inquiry”, police administrators are now holding (get this) an investigation.

You couldn’t make this stuff up.

Napoléon was right: “It is not necessary to bury the truth. It is sufficient merely to delay it until nobody cares.”




Some related links . . .

● Time line in this process:

● New Zealand Herald articles:

● Summary of my Information Requests that have been refused:

● “Cop-outs & Cover-ups” / commentary:

● The sad case of “Craig George Withey” / commentary:

● “Bring on the Clowns” / commentary:

● “Truth Commission” / newsletter and update:

● “Cover-up” / newsletter and commentary:

● My letter to Her Majesty the Queen:

● “Pinocchio” / newsletter and commentary:

● “Cops telling lies” / commentary:


Bring on the clowns

Copyright 2011 © Patrick O’Brien

Four years ago today, on Christmas Eve, the Commissioner of New Zealand Police received an email attachment from me containing a copy of my letter to the country’s Chief Justice, Dame Sian Elias, and in which I confessed perjury to obtain convictions against my targets while working as an agent provocateur for Criminal Intelligence.

I am not the first undercover agent in New Zealand to have admitted this crime. My earlier post on the USED Group of former agents provides a more notable example and illustrates how this corruption in the Undercover Programme is written off and buried. Cop-outs and cover-ups — spin, twist lie and obfuscate, it’s the Kiwi way.

But . . . “but, this is New Zealand, what about the Rule of Law?” some of you will ask. Yea, right; bring on the clowns:




February 01, 2012 – it is now 1,500 days since the Commissioner received email and I’ve posted the following commentary to mark the occasion:


Craig George Whithey

Kiwis would be shocked to learn the annual cost of secret payments by the Crown to victims of corruption in New Zealand police:

These secret payments not only go to cover-up cases of bumbling incompetence by police, but also malicious prosecutions — one recent example being that of CRAIG GEORGE WITHEY who received a secret payment of $160,000 dollars following an undercover operation he was the victim of.

The actual dollar amount is significant in this case for reasons which I’ll come back to in a moment.

In brief, Mr Withey was rounded up during raids following the termination of an undercover operation in the Wairarapa and charged with a number of drug offences. Unfortunately for Mr Withey, the police arrested the wrong man; a simple case of mistaken identity.

However, rather than admit their mistake, withdraw the charges and apologise, police decided to proceed with their prosecution of this innocent man and altered the evidence to suit — even going so far as changing the descriptions of the original suspect on their job sheets to match that of Mr Withey, right down to his tattoo markings.

Fortunately for Mr Withey, his defence team noticed the differing job sheets and, at trial, while under cross examination, the undercover agent was caught in his lies.

Withey was discharged and then took legal action against the Crown for malicious prosecution. He won!

The Crown appealed this result, and, before the case returned to hearing, made a secret payment of $160,000 to cover-up the matter.

This dollar amount is instructive because the figure exceeds what any head of department is authorised to make. A payment for this amount would need be approved by Cabinet — which is to say the New Zealand Government was complicit in covering up the corruption.

No action was taken against the officers involved and their undercover agent has been promoted. He remains employed by New Zealand police.

See also
The USED Group:

From decision of Judge A.P. Christiansen

Palmerston North District Court
Between Craig George Withey (applicant)
And the Queen (respondent)
CASE FILE:   T.44/94

JUDGEMENT — Withey v Queen (PDF 2.6 MB)


● Reference to clarify any confusion as to the identity of this writer . . .


The USED Group

Undercovers Seriously Effected by Drugs”

Kiwis have been suckered into believing we are the least corrupt nation in the world and, with a few exceptions, it’s all smug, self-congratulations on how lucky we are.

Many brave men and women have come before me and tried to enlighten us all as to our corruption; the USED Group being one notable example.

The USED Group is a unique phenomena in the history of New Zealand Policing:  around 50 police officers and undercover agents admitting they have misused drugs, tampered with evidence and committed perjury to obtain convictions against their targets in following the orders of police administrators (reportsTVNZ plus NZ Herald) and their sworn affidavits admitting to perjury have also been tabled in the Parliament.

Following these admissions, police administrators conducted “independent” inquiries through their “independent” investigator, Mr Bruce Squire QC, which effectively found that “there is no evidence to support these claims” . . . or, least ways, so they would have us believe: my Official Information Act requests for the outcomes and reports from these “independent” inquiries have been refused.

When it comes to exposing their systemic corruption, successive New Zealand Governments and police administrations have done nothing — or, at best, conducted these self-styled “independent” inquiries, which is the same thing as doing nothing, but looks better. (see No. 21 in the 25 Rules of Disinformation)

Sadly, the “system” has painted these whistle-blowers as ‘nutters’ and their revelations have been covered-up, written-off and buried. Well, — almost buried:

My Long Road Back

 This writer is not, and never has been, a member of the USED Group.



February 01, 2012 — additional commentary with
…….reference to the USED Group in my post, here:

Corruption in New Zealand Police

Seeking my Targets

“When we were trained the instruction was that we were to take this secret, or these secrets, to the grave.  Well, I’ve decided I’m not going to do that.  That’s the first thing.  And my intention is to go and knock on the doors of my targets, or those that are still alive, and admit to them that I lied.  They know I lied, I know I lied, God knows I lied.  That’s it.” ~ Patrick O’Brien | TV3 News

Seeking my Targets

“Towards a Safer (sic) New Zealand”


Towards a Safer More Corrupt New Zealand:

Same old same old — but let’s make it official . . .

In their just released law and order policy document, Towards a Safer New Zealand, Police Association President, Gregory (“I’ve never used drugs”) O’Connor, calls for lighter punishments and greater legal protections for officers, including automatic name suppression for those involved in a fatality while performing their duties.

Punishments for police failures are often over the top and should reflect the “reasonable expectations” on the individual, and ensure that “additional risk-management processes” are not out of proportion. He says.

“Where an officer was simply doing their job the best way they knew how, in the circumstances as they presented themselves, the organisation should also support and defend the officer from public, media and political pressure.”

● Cop-outs & Cover-ups

Requiem for a ‘gray-man’

Today, in Wellington, they will bury a gray-man . . .

“Nominally, the operator in each case was responsible for my field of operation. In reality, though, I answered to the gray men who trained me and on whose orders I obtained these  convictions. They called it “doomsday” work and instructed me to take this dreadful secret to the grave.” Patrick O’Brien | Confession

‘Annoying bastards’

“The road to truth is long and lined the entire way
with annoying bastards.” ~ Alexander Jablokov

 Information requests the Government has delayed, denied or obstructed:


Some people collect stamps — I collect threats:

‘Open letter from a Narc’

Seeking victims of the War-on-Drugs™ . . .



Nov 22, 2011 — the NORML Forums are currently unavailable

‘viva revolution’

“During times of universal deceit, telling the truth
becomes a revolutionary act.” ~ George Orwell

On the Run

“But if these years have taught me anything, it is this:  you can
never run away. Not ever. The only way out is in.” ~ Junot Díaz

“Campbell Live” speaks to the cop
who has been on the run for 30 years:

Book of Wisdom

…..“Honesty is the first chapter of the
… of wisdom.” ~ Mother Teresa


….“He who commits injustice is ever made more
….wretched than he who suffers it” ~ Plato


Bury the Truth

“It is not necessary to bury the truth. It is sufficient merely
to delay it until nobody cares.” ~ Napoléon Bonaparte